GeoGlobe LLC. has the acquired set of modern equipment and devices for the determination of physical, water and mechanical properties of soil as well as chemical composition of water and water extraction from the soil. Laboratory also possesses a core storage area, equipped with all necessary equipment for preserving the core samples.


  • The full complement of equipment consists of high-accuracy devices manufactured by «ELE International» as follows;
  •  Full set of devices and equipment for determination of physical and water properties of soil.
  • Compression devices with electronic readout system for determination of the compressibility of soil.
  • Computerized set of equipment for the determination of strength and deformation properties of soil in triaxial compression (cohesion, angle of internal friction, deformation module, consolidation coefficient, filtration coefficient of clay soil)
  • A device for shear testing
  • Laboratory propeller. Set of micro-penetrometers and propellers.


By the means of modern equipment, a team of Engineering/Geological specialist carry out a comprehensive set of physical and mechanical investigations of disturbed and undisturbed soil samples including;

  • Classification tests,
  • Compression test,
  • Direct shearing test,
  • Triaxial tests of soil,
  • Soil consolidation tests and chemical analyses of water and water extractions
  • California Coefficient Determination (CBR) in laboratory conditions.